How the super-rich buy their homes (2024)

Earlier this year, mortgage broker Paul Welch arranged the financing for a Singaporean client who was buying a home in London for £7m — and putting down no money whatsoever as a deposit.

“We used existing assets such as individual shares in addition to the property itself,” says Welch, who runs and arranged the mortgage with a 1 per cent interest rate — terms that most UK homeowners would consider too good to be true.

For years the super-rich, advised by a suite of lawyers, accountants and bankers have taken mortgages — often reaching up to 100 per cent of the value of the property — on the world’s priciest homes. The majority of loans are interest-only; most are never paid off unless the home is sold; increasingly, when the home is inherited, the next generation will take out a comparable loan. The money saved can then be shuffled around the world in search of the best tax deal and the biggest investment gains.

Withannualnet income over £300,000 or net assets over £3m, Welch’s clients enjoy a wider range of options than other UK mortgage customers. Borrowing the money — and buying in London — brings benefits. Many are resident non-doms (RNDs), meaning they live in the UK but declare their domicile elsewhere so are not taxed on money earned outside the country, so long as they don’t bring it in.

“It’s a no-brainer,” says Mark Davies, a London tax adviser to the super-rich — most of them non-doms. “[Borrowing] means your money is working in two different places to generate wealth. You own the house in London [which may increase in value] and you also invest the money offshore.”

For a super-rich individual, the combined value of multiple home loans can extend to the hundreds of millions, with international private banks typically lending the money. Often they clear the borrowing quicker than a high street bank would, helping clients snap up a bargain.

“If you find something you like, you may want to buy it in a hurry, whether it’s in the south of France, the Caribbean or Miami,” says Roddy Boulton, a private banker for Deutsche Bank in London.

It’s a no-brainer. Borrowing means you own the house in London and you also invest the money offshore

Those who offer home finance, or arrange it, pursue potential clientsat trade fairs, where the very wealthy shop for superyachts or private jets, or events where they enjoy their pastimes. Welch, who also arranges finance for yachts and jet purchases, reckons he has received £500m of leads through giving out branded sunglasses cleaning cloths from his stall at the Monaco Yacht Show.

He is also a regular at Geneva’s European Business Aviation Convention and Exhibition. Classic and supercar events such as the UK’s Salon Privé at Blenheim Palace and the Goodwood Revival are also popular mixing grounds, as is the Paddock Club VIP access at the world’s Formula 1 races.

Private banks may host events at the World Economic Forum at Davos, luring current and prospective clients with celebrity speakers. Financiers make sure they keep advisers to the super-rich — including lawyers, accountants and tax advisers — up to date with what they can offer. Staff of the super-rich visit ultra-high net worth conventions to stake out the services on offer.

“And people talk,” says Davies. “One billionaire might introduce another: ‘These guys are good [for arranging a mortgage], try them’; ‘Credit Suisse were fantastic for this; I used UBS for that and they were all right.’ ”

Mortgages for the super-rich typically cost banks more toadminister than those for normal customers — partly because their incomes are rarely all from typical sources such as a salary, so take time and effort to fathom. But if they spy lucrative business down the line — such as managing share and bond portfolios or selling clients new shares as part of initial public offerings — bankers may offer them at knockdown prices.

“Lending can often be a door-opener,” says Boulton.

How the super-rich buy their homes (1)

A private banker at the Monaco office of a big global bank, who asked not to be named, says he would lend money at a loss if this was outweighed by revenue from other services. Re­cently he sought to lure a client worth $3bn from a competitor bank, offering him a loanon a €60m home purchase at a rate so lowthat he knew it would be rejected by his lending department. The prospect still refused because — the banker believes — the terms from the existing bank were better.

Earlier this year, Welch secured a £45m mortgage from a private bank on a £50m London home for a client. “On day one [there was] nothing but a gentleman’s agreement that they would develop a wider relationship. Banks will do whatever they want to do if they want the client,” he says.

Melissa Cohn, a specialist US mortgage broker who covers New York, Florida and the Hamptons for William Raveis Mortgage, has arranged $400m worth of home loans this year, for sums of between $3m and $19m. She says typical rates for these — most of which are interest only, with 30-year terms — are now between 2.5 and 2.9 per cent. Recently, falling interest rates have led her clients to increase the amount of borrowing on their homes, releasing equity to invest in their own businesses or the stock market, where they believe they will get returns that are higher than the cost of the loans.

“At the beginning of 2020, when rates were at 3.5 per cent or 3.75 per cent, my clients would [borrow] 50 per cent to 75 per cent loan to value. Now, everyone wants to get as much as they can get. The attitude is: why wouldn’t you and you’re dumb if you don’t.”

Private bankers say that while most clients still favour variable rate loans, an increasing number are considering fixed-rate mortgages in anticipation of future interest rate rises.

Everyone wants as much LTV as they can get. The attitude is: why wouldn’t you, and you’re dumb if you don’t

Several UK high street banks will currently lendmortgages ofup to £10m — NatWest’s was the best rate at this level in late October — but borrowers must be able to demonstrate clear historical income to show they can afford the repayments.

“The high street banks are criteria led — they have the lowest rates and fees but no negotiating of the terms and lower flexibility,” says Welch.

This doesn’t disqualify all super-rich — a hedge fund manager with a regular salary and a clearhistory of annual bonuses, for example. But often their unconventional incomes see them refused by mainstream lenders, whose affordability criteria they fail to meet, pushing them to private banks.

“They may be asset rich but they only take [as income] what they need to live off. The private banks look more at the bigger picture, such as retained profits in a business, private equity investments, a stock portfolio, or fine art,” says Jonathan Harris of mortgage broker Anderson Harris in London. For many of her clients, Cohn will therefore go to smaller local banks, those that specialise in savings and loans, or credit unions (not-for-profit organisations owned by those who use their services).

“[This route] is for people who can fulfil 90 per cent of lenders’ guidelines but have a few exceptions — perhaps a banker whose income grew exponentially last year so their two-year income average doesn’t reflect this. Or they want to own their home through an LLC [limited liability company] — maybe a celebrity who wants to keep their identity private,” she says.

How the super-rich buy their homes (2)

For less conventional incomes — for example, a founder of a start-up that showed a loss last year but is now grossing $100,000 a month, she says — she will try non-bank lenders such as Sprout and Lendsure.

In the US, even though Covid saw lending rates fall, it also weakened the terms Cohn could get clients on mortgages: LTV ratios and maximum loan amounts fell and clients needed better credit scores with some of the restrictions still in place.

The precise tax benefits associated with borrowing money to buy expensive homes vary from country to country. In France and the UK, buying homes with borrowed money reduces the value of the home subject to inheritance tax. And the mortgaged portion of a home’s value is exempt from France’s wealth tax. “There, clients will be advised by their lawyers to buy homes entirely with borrowed money,”saysthe Monaco banker.

In the US, taxpayers can deduct interest paid on the first $750,000, across up to two properties, from their federal tax bill. If the mortgage was taken out before December 15 2017, this amount increases to $1m.UK residents, including resident non-doms, are exempt from capital gains tax paid on their main UK home when they sell it.

Besides the tax benefits of basing in the UK, the prospect of home price increases is part of the appeal of buying a home for Davies’s clients. Steve Goodrich, head of research and investigations at Transparency International UK, says that the same feature appeals to criminals, who buy homes through companies to conceal their identities.

£10mMaximum mortgage loan available from several UK high street banks

“UK property provides an attractive investment environment for those seeking to save taxes or a safe haven for suspect wealth. Currently, it’s far too easy to hide who controls substantial residential assets behind opaque corporate structures, often registered in one of Britain’s secretive offshore financial centres,” he says.

Record-low interest rates and the high value of homes owned by baby boomers means the super-rich are not the only ones looking to max out their home borrowing when they can afford not to.

A growing number of older equity-rich homeowners in the UK are taking out loans to supplement pension income, gift deposits to family members or buy second homes. Lending to over 55s is growing fast, led by increases in equity release mortgages, where the mortgage has no end date and is typically paid off when the mortgagee dies and the home is sold.

How the super-rich buy their homes (3)

In the three months to December 2019, 12,520 new equity release mortgages were taken out by over-55s, up from 6,130 over the same period in 2014, according to UK Finance.

As with RNDs, part of the appeal for this group is the tax advantage, since the mortgaged value of a home is exempt from the 40 per cent inheritance tax levied on a UK estate above£325,000.

“For our parents’ or grandparents’ generation you were stigmatised if you had a mortgage in later life — it was a triumph when you paid it off. Now people realise you may create massive inheritance tax liabilities,” says Harris.

He says typical interest rates on equity release mortgages are now between 2 per cent and 3 per cent, compared with 5 per cent to 7 per cent five years ago, with many banks offering lower charges for early repayment and the ability to pay interest during the life of the mortgage rather than having it compound.

Five years ago, one in 20 of the mortgages Harris arranged was to older borrowers seeking equity release; now the proportion is one in five, with a “massive pick-up” in clients over 70. But with the majority seeking mortgages for between £200,000 and £1.5m, it’s unlikely you’ll see Harris pitching for business at the Monaco Yacht Show.

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How the super-rich buy their homes (2024)


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It's really common for rich people to take out mortgages for the homes they buy, even though they could easily pay for them outright. The question is, why do they do this? The simple answer is, it's profitable to do so.

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Rather than tying up hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars in buying a home, wealthy people usually just borrow after making a reasonable down payment and researching their options to find an affordable lender.

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90% Of Millionaires Are Made In Real Estate - 100% Of Billionaires Are Made HERE.

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The Psychology Behind Excess Space. For many wealthy individuals, having a big house with ample space is seen as a symbol of success and achievement. It's a way of showing off one's wealth and status in society. However, there may be deeper psychological reasons behind this desire for excess space.

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Advantage #1: Protect Assets and Limit Liability

The primary reason one might use an LLC or trust to purchase a residential property is to protect their assets and limit their liability. By forming an LLC, the homeowner separates their personal assets from those associated with the property.

Do the rich pay off their mortgage? ›

Most have paid off their mortgages. In 2020, 58% of the state's equity millionaires owned their homes free and clear. Statewide, there has been a dramatic rise in the number of Californians who have paid off their mortgages, from 1.6 million households in 2000 to 2.4 million in 2020.

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How do celebrities pay for their homes? Just like normal customers, many celebrities take out mortgages on their homes. It all depends on their own financial situation, says Kaminsky, a top-rated Manhattan Beach agent. “It's whatever their financial advisor advises them at the time,” Kaminsky explains.

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The real estate firm Redfin reports that a record share of wealthy buyers are throwing down cash to buy luxury homes. According to a report published by the company Wednesday (Jan. 31), nearly 47% of all high-end US homes were bought without a mortgage in the last quarter of 2023.

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The best-performing luxury real estate market in the world was Manila, Philippines, with 26% growth, fueled in part by investors fleeing Hong Kong and China. Dubai came in second place, at 16% price growth, followed by the Bahamas at 15% and the Algarve region in Portugal at 12%.

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Absolutely, it is common for millionaires and billionaires to go broke – but let's get one thing straight. When these high-rollers crash, it's not because money has limits; it's because their discipline does. Money is a game, one with few rules but many players.

What wealth puts you in the top 1%? ›

You need more money than ever to enter the ranks of the top 1% of the richest Americans. To join the club of the wealthiest citizens in the U.S., you'll need at least $5.8 million, up about 15% up from $5.1 million one year ago, according to global real estate company Knight Frank's 2024 Wealth Report.

Where do most millionaires keep their money? ›

Here are the six most popular places or investments that millionaires invest in.
  • Cash and Cash Equivalents. Many, and perhaps most, millionaires are frugal. ...
  • Real Estate. ...
  • Stocks and Stock Funds. ...
  • Private Equity and Hedge Funds. ...
  • Commodities. ...
  • Alternative Investments.
Jun 21, 2023

Where do billionaires buy houses? ›

New York, Los Angeles, and London remained the top places with the highest sales in real estate in 2022. While ultra-prime properties, worth $25 million or more, saw higher sales in New York and London. In 2024, the luxury real estate market is expected to improve.

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How the Ultra-Wealthy Invest
RankAssetAverage Proportion of Total Wealth
1Primary and Secondary Homes32%
3Commercial Property14%
7 more rows
Oct 30, 2023

Can you be wealthy without owning a home? ›

According to experts, owning your own home certainly isn't a prerequisite for building wealth. Self-made millionaire Grant Cardone, for example, advises against it. “Never think a home is a way to create financial freedom,” he writes on his blog.

Do billionaires pay cash for homes? ›

A recent survey by WSJ Intelligence of more than 2,200 wealthy individuals found a majority planned to finance their next home purchase. Only 39% of the respondents—whose net worth averaged $4.76 million—planned to pay cash, according to the survey released in late September.

How rich people pay for houses? ›

While it might seem logical to assume that wealthy individuals would pay for their properties in full, this is not always the case. In fact, many rich people often opt for mortgages even if they have the financial capacity to pay cash.

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Billionaires (usually) don't sell valuable stock. So how do they afford the daily expenses of life, whether it's a new pleasure boat or a social media company? They borrow against their stock. This revolving door of credit allows them to buy what they want without incurring a capital gains tax.


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