The Leavenworth Times from Leavenworth, Kansas (2024)

SHORT TALKS BY L. COL.PEARSftLL'S COOPED. Piles Cured Free sum INTERNAL PARASITES. Get Rid of Your Piles Right Now. Washington, March.

4. forecast for Kansas: Rain Tuesday; "Wednesday probably fair. Cooper's New Discovery Jias taught me many things. Not least of which Exceedingly Large Attendance From Fort Leavenworth and the City AILY BARGAINS t- 'Vs Pyramid Pile Cure can uo Quickly and Painlessly. FREE PACKAGE SENT TO PROVE IT.

Half of the suffering and torture of piles has never, been told. But no matter. Whether your particular case of piles is almost too excruciating for any mortal to bear, or if you are fearfully tantalized by unreachable itching, or whether you have only a moderate case of piles, there is positive relief, and "quick too, in Pyramid Pile Cure. is that parasites or tape worms as they are called are responsible for an immense amount of suff i g. Thousands of these creatures have been brought to me bv people who WAS A MILITARY.

BURIAL Mr. John Rasdell, a well known farmer Kickapoo township, leaves today for a business trip through Colorado. Where is the Leavenworth gymnasium? Who conducts the Leavenworth gymnasium? The tree which stood on the south bank of Three Mile creek near the- Fifth street bridae has fallen in the creek, lpartly damming The tree fell owing to the ground about it caving in. The residents in the south part of the City have started trimming the trees in front of their porperty. to Atlanta, Ga, and Favors, to the government insane asylum at Washington, D.

C. U. S. Marshal Mackey, who takes the will be accompanied to Mo. the last change of cars until Washington, is by Deputy U.

Marshall Gyrin of Leavenworth. A quorum was not present at the board of education rooms last night and no meeting could be held. The regular meeting was postponed, until Monday night. remains of Mrs. Anna II.

Lewis, the mother of Mrs. F. TV. Bartlett, shipped to N. yesterday, the former home of the deceased, where "they will be buried.

Charles Darr, mentioned as the Independent-candidate for mayor, announced last night that the meeting scheduled for; Thursday night in Turner hall had been postponed. The offices of the superintendent of the city schools and the board of educa- tion" were decorated with drawings of tae pupils in the graded schools of the cit for the inspection of the members of the board last night. Some drawings 'from the city schools of SL Louis were on exhibition also. The general verdict was that they were greatty inferior to the work done in the Leavenworth Erery passenger train of the Missouri Pacific from, the north was twenty minutes late yesterday. Mr.

Bell, the express messenger on the Rock Island's passenger to Cameron, is laying off, being on the sick list. Robert Rickerson, the express driver for the Pacific Express company, has r3- Body Taken to Cemetery on Caissop Address of Father sella on Life of the r- Deceased. have taken the You need not take for granted all we ourselves say about our Pile Remedy. We want it to speak for itself. We want you to send for a S.

Clark of St. Joe was in the city. NICK EMMERICK New Discov-: ery and I now know that an immense amount of supposed stomach trouble is caused in reality by one of these parasites. A man or woman may be afflicted in this manner, for years and not realize the true cause of their suffering. When I first sold Cooper's New Discovery I did not know that the medicine would remove this trouble.

I have since-found that it in Yesterday. Eminence flour is guaranteed. Local merchants report that there nev-W was a time in their memory when country buter was more scarce than The funeral of the late Ui B. Pearsall, quartermaster; at Soldiers' home, was held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the lae residence, and interment was. in the "National cemetery there.

Chaplain Payne, the Protestant chaplain of at This does not materially Dry Goods Department Every day we are receiving New Spring Goods and though as you know there are big advances all along the you will find that THE MAGNET, as usual, is prepared to save you money on anything you For Monday's and Tuesday's selling we quote: WOOL DRESS GOODS Plaid Suitings 36 inches wide, New Spring Goods, beautiful patterns for Ladies Suits, Skirts, yard --50C Gray and Black Suitings in Serge, Panama, always good, 42 to 50 inches wide, prices range from. to $1.00 White Waistings Just received, in thin goods, mercerized White goods, must be seen to be appreciated; price from to 50c Also Colored thin goods for Evening Dresses, Waists, etc. The most delicate colors dainty absolutely the 'prettiest things to be had. We can not describe You must see them. Prices are, yard 25c and 50c Housefurnishing Dept.

effect the price of the article, however. If creamery, which is always plentiful, can be had at a slightly higher price and tends to keep the price of butter Xvithin reasonable bounds. Willard Duncan had the thumb of his ief hand badly lacerated yesterday. He 'was leading a horse by a halter when free package, today, of the marvelous Pyramid Pile Cure. We want to prove these statements to you personally, so that you will feel the result yourself.

Pyramid Pile Cure has cured the worst form of piles known. We prove it. Instant relief can be gotten by using the marvelous Pyramid Pile Cure. It immediately reduces all congestion and swelling, heals all sores, ulcers and irritated parts. The moment you start to use it, your suffering ends and the cure of your dread disease is in sight.

Here is one of the many thousand letters we get about this great cure: "1 have been a terrible sufferer of piles for fourteen (14) years and during all this time you can have an idea of how many kinds of medicine I tried. But I found no relief whatever. Now, after trying but one treatment of vour Pyramids, I am free, ithe animal jerked its head, catching signed, being, succeeded by Clen Dant. the Home, read the Episcopal burial service, and was followed by Kinsella, whose address. follows.

The attendance both the city and the Fort was large, showing, the. esteem in which the deceased was held. Every electric car from the city to the Home until 3 o'clock in the afternoon was taxed to its capacity taking friends of the family to the Home and hundreds of carriages went also. The day was a beautiful one and nearly every veteran, member of the Home, stood on porch of barracks or along the sidewalk lining the driveway as the cortege passed. The The Missouri Pacific switch engine puncan's-hand on a buckle and tearing khe flesh.

Several stitches were taken 'an the wound. it A son has been born to Mr. and Mrs. was sent to Wade yesterday to pull freight train No. 154 to Leavenworth.

variably does so. The following letter is a fair sample of the symptoms as experienced by an individual thus affected: "I was always tired. My stomach bloated and the slightest exertion made me sick, weak and dizzy. My appetite was variable and a good night's sleep' was unknown to me. When I awoke in the mornings 1 had a bad taste in my mouth and a coated tongue.

I heard of the wonderful benefits that were' being derived from Cooper's New Discovery, and decided to try "The horrible worm, sixty feet long that been sapping my life away, -passed, from my system alive and squirming after I had taken three doses. Nowvl have a splendid every trace of stomach trouble has disappeared and my digestion is good. I sleep well and am gaining in strength every day." Nick Emmerick, 1344 Louis Milwaukee, Wis. The engine of the freight broke down. Charles Greever of No.

204 South Espla nade. The Universal THE BILLS AT THE NEW THEATRES LAST NIGHT Arnold Schalker of Fifth and Miami jstreets is laid up with la grippe. free to tell all sufferers of this dread-j Opening of the New Orpheum The v-i r.u heads of the aged men were bared Miss Anna Torney of Rock, People's Got Its Share of ful disease to try this medicine the firrived at St. John's hospital yesterday Amusem*nt Lovers. Food Chopper HOUSEHOLD ARTICLE SSSMMH Which Replaces the Chopping Bowl Altogether.

pyramid Cure. it will cure when all others fail. Sincerely yours, George Braneight, Schellburg, Pa." The Pyramid Pile Cure is put up rapidly. The" two performances which marked the. opening of the New Orpheum theater last night were greet Eminence flour is "catching on in the form of easy-to-use, special i The 2-year-old son of Warren Cham ly made suppositories.

They are as the casket, draped the. Stars and Stripes, came by. Hundreds awaited the. remains at the cemetery. The services at the grave were stricty military, the trumpeter "Taps" as the remains were placed in the grave and a detachment from the Home firing the volley over the open grave.

The floral offerings were beautiful. Father Kinsella's Address. In his address at the Pearsall fcers of Boling is ill with pneumonia. The soothing, painless, instant and ed, by capacity houses. The bill was high class vaudeville from start to finish, and, throughout, far better Each Machine Cuts Three Sizes iChild is not expected to recover.

than is usually seen for the charges We are authorized agents for the Cooper medicines. Gall and let us tell you more about, them. Eugene Kelly, son of J. Kelly, of A trial treatment will be sent you at once by mail, in plain, sealed COARSE, MEDIUM OR FINE. made, for admission at the new play- if.

north Eeulanade. is seriously ill with wrapper, without a cent of expense to house (pneumonia. Thousands of people all over the civilized world are now using this little wonder and all testify to its you, it you send your name and ad- Hy Greenway, juggler and chalk dress to Pyramid Drug 83 Pyra- talker accompanies the tricks with A letter was received from J. C. Lysle i-ycAerday stating that he was at River jiiiu xsuuumg, iviarsnau, iuicn.

After you receive the sample, you side, and from there he intended the Orpheum -is the pitch which the builders have given the first floor. Every patron who. occupies a seat in this part of the house has an unobstructed view of every portion of the stage. to go to San Diego. He said that he home Chaplain Kinsella said: This is a sad and solemn moment for all of us my dear friends.

We come to mingle our tears with those who mourn the loss of all they hold dear on earth. We are here to pay the last trib COUIBX'T GET ALONG WITHOUT IT," is an everyday expression tre hear. arrived there when orange harvest. was at its height and that for fifteen miles $1.00, $1.25, $1.75 can get a regular-size package of Pyramid Pile Cure at your druggist's for 50 cents, or if he hasn't it. send us the money and we will send it to you.

Pood Choppers GAS LIGHTS In every direction from Riverside unin terrupted orange groves extend. ute of respect to the memory of a good' A. G. Cogswell and Mr. Moody left 2 yesterday for a tour of the south it, an extra gas stove was rnsialled and in some manner the tubes became loose and the escaping gas ignited, frightening the women, who turned oft! the gas and which he entertains with a running fire of humor that pleases.

The chalk talk was largely talk but the "skiddoo" demonstration was a happy ending. Early and Late, otherwise man and woman, comedy singers and talking duo, presented a song and joke feature that is clever and pleasing. The old saw that "there is nothing new unjJer the sun" may 'perhaps be taken as an apology for some of the repartee, but for the most part it is new. Their singing is good. Shannon Strau, comedy singers and dancers, have the usual exchange of jokes, with a little tumbling Their work is somewhat above the average, particularly that of Strau, who, as a toe dancer is agile and graceful.

Miss Anita Freeman sings the illustrated song. Her voice is sweet, but last lr ght was not of sufficient volume had the slight flames extinguished whea the firemen arrived on the scene. WANTED Clean, white rags, suitable for wipers at The Times office. N. Z.

Walling, the well known engi neer on the Burlington switch engine. was the guest of friends in Kansas City Sunday. Watch the traveling public at the Un- 1 fon depot, tonight at the Conservatory Of Music. At a meeting of the county commissioners yesterday all bids, for a concrete -uTvert over Wolf creek were rejected ibs being too high." The contract was let to the Leavenworth Bridge for $1,894, ehich was just $4 less than the bid of the Missouri Valley Bridge whose fcid was $1,899. Mike Aaron yesterday quit his job at the state prison to take up his duties as trustee of Delaware township.

He will foe busy for some time to come acting as "township assessor. There is not a rush in hunters' licenses these days. Three were obtained from County. Clerk Niehaus in January, three in February and three thus far this month. Frank Shudrowitz the Lansing druggist, got No.

3 yesterday. Ted Taylor of Kansas City was visiting to be heard inall parts of the house. with Harvey Beynan Sunday. Pittsburg Inverted Light Lindsay Inverted Light Welsbach Inverted Li ght -j x.w A good upright Light complete with Globe and Mantle, for Drug Department Kaymond leal, minstrel comedian, Bill at the New People's. Although the New People's theater was opened to the theatergoers of Leavenworth last Friday, its real opening was Sunday night when the handsome new playhouse was crowded from parquet to gallery, with hundreds standing up, and more waiting in the capacious corridor to gain admittance.

While the crowds last night were large, still they did not come up to Sunday's attendance. The bill this not a bad one, and still it is not "an, excellent olio, but nevertheless with -a few inconsistencies among the vaudevillians, their costumes, manners and business, the crowds passed a pleasant hour and a half. The-only bad feature of the bill was the work of Mr. Knight of "The Knights." He claims that the act is a high grade one; one which any woman or child could listen to without a blush, but the writer noticed more than one face redden Sunday night and last night also, at some of his alleged witticisms. The opening act was Dave Derden in blackface! His unique musical turns won him applause.

Rand and Byron acceptable in a tramp and French girl stunt. Clarence Hazlett: was good. His song, "Daddy's Little Girl," was nicely sung, accompanied by illustrated pictures. S. S.

Thompson of Atchison, was in the citizen, a brave soldier and a true ad generous hearted The ties that bind us to our frtenis j.nd acquaintances here at the Soldiers' are being ruthlessly day by day as time marks the flight ot years since the great war. Quickly they pass to their last camping ground, wher-3, shoulder to shoulder in death, as in lifai, they await the command of the God of battles, the Lord of hosts. The news of Colonel Pearsairs' death on last Thursday evening came with a-suddenness that the camp; a deep glqom fell upon us all, and ich one felt a regret borne of personal loss in the death of the quartermaster of tiie Home. Colonel Pearsall was a man of sterling qualities of head and heart. He was one those wonderful men who had carried down from other days the old time qualities of American manhood.

He was the soul of honor, he was kind and, He loved labor and toil air the days 'cf his life. He was upright and hon'e'n in all his dealings. Yes, Colonel Pearsall was an honest man in the full sense of the word. During his. long and useful lite he filled many positions of public trust with success, and no main'; can now point to a single stain on his fair-name The record of his life is certainly ons to be proud of; "it is better than any other monument, for he- made it himself," writes one of his friends, and it ii true, he made it himself.

He was a sau made man from the beginning. Born in i40 in Owego, N. he passed out to the wild west at the age of 17 and settled in Oconto, in 1857. where he U. city yesterday on a business visit.

found favor with the Orpheum crowds. He was recalled repeatedly. The Musical Goolmans present a Miles Dorton, formerly a resident of novelty act on xylophone and instru Boding, but now living in the southwestern part of the state, has arrived to ments of similar character that is on the order of that offered in the bet ter of the vaudeville programs. The visit friends here and in the country. He spent yesterday in Kansas City attending to business interests.

5 Cudoma" Oxgall Soap, 6 bars Old Mottled Castile, 6 bars Pa's Kidney Pills, 50c box Klondike Gold Bronze Paint, 25c size Aluminum Paint, 25c size HAIR BRUSHES Imported Tiger Eye Ebony Back, a $2 Brush, kinodrome deserves no comment above that given all kinodromes. They are all pretty much the same. P. H. Glnsburg of western Kansas, ar for rived here yesterday to stay several days.

Captain J. T. Taylor Is being spoken of for the position of auartermaster at the Soldiers' home to succeed the late Col. iU. B.

PearsalL He is well qualified for such. 39c 1 Jbbony isacK, 50c musn Buckeye Ointment, 50c box Gojd Fish Food, package Anti-Dyspeptic Tablet bottle Tot Porter, a Jarbalo resident, made a trip to the city yesterday. v.xoc 69c Misses Grace Hardin and Blanche It must be said for the New Orpheum theater that it deh'ghted the crowds who last night saw it for the first time. The proscenium arch is splendid in design and the stage settings quite in keeping with it. Throughout' the downstairs portion Green spent Sunday in Kansas City.

E. P. Bladeau of St. Joseph, is 9 Pennyroyal r-ius, i.oo dox 75c Rubber Gloves ess here for a short stay on business. C.

M. Bed well of Des Moines. Ia- The cases of the state of Kansas versus Harry Young and Charley Ross, called for preliminary hearings to the city court yesterday morning, went over, Young's to the Orpheum there are abundant evidences of taste, in the coloring, the plan of lighting, the plan of the Until March 7 at 9 a. and Ross's until The Lyric quartette, composed of four young men with fairly good voices, sanig, danced, talked and won much applause. The kinodrome showing pictures of animal life, panoramas, trains and other views were excellently shown.

boxes and in the lobbies. The gal the same day, for a later hour. lery, however, is a disappointment, probably no less so to play-going The habeas corpus proceedings in the probate court whereby a father is try Bring Us Your irescnptionsin Grocery Department Are you of Everything you have to eat? When you get this way the only remedy is come down to the Big Grocery Store and pick over the Dozens of G0 you have not seen this winter unless you are a MAGNET CUSTOMER. For Tomorrow and Tuesday we quote: Pint Bottle Maple Syfup Quart Bottle Maple Syrup Qt. Can Newv Orleans Molasses Qt.

Can New Orleans Molasses, better grade, rrloc Trlac. hent people than to the management of ing to obtain possession of a child he the theater. One of the owners of the place last night stated that the hard life of a lumberman. At the breaking out of the war he held the posU tion of foreman of a large lumbar firm, having under his charge a force of over 100 men. Ho quickly responded to the call of his country, and on May 1SC1, he enlisted as a private in company Fourth Wisconsin infantry.

He was soon promoted to first sergeant, in which capacity he served until July .1. 1862, when he was promoted to second lieutenant of his company. Detailed umn th was visiting with friends in the western part of Kickapoo township. T. R.

Swains of Kansas City, is here on business for some days. Eddie Gast, a Delaware township farmer and produce raiser, hauled several loads of produce to the local market yesterday. Nick Koppe. who lives in the linn valley vicinity, wa in the city yesterday. Mrs.

Addle Moore, formerly of Salt Creek valley, but now residing in the city, was visiting in Kansas City claims to be his own daughter, now in the possession of a family named Green, Th8 Rind You Hare Always Boqgft 1111 come up this morning. Bean the of steps would be taken as soon as possible to remedy this defect. The acoustic properties of the house are exceptionally good. A thing to be Chaplain Leavitt of the United States penitentiary go to Valley Falls, commended in the construction of Kan.r tomorrow to attend an ordination, i staff of BriS- Gen. T.

tV Sherman: September 1, 1S62, as A. D. C. servinir as ceremony v.v v-- The funeral of Lawrence Hur- CT72 Loose Spaghetti, Yellow, lb. Creamery Butter, lb.

Best Granulated Sugar, 19 lbs Arbuckles Coffee, 2 lb s. such until August, 1863, when Sherman having lost his leg at Port Hudson, ne-- NIGHTS OF UNREST. "ley, the six months old son of Mr. and Wre. J.

D. Hurley who died Saturday XOC v37C Mrs. Addle Moore, formerly of Salt nia retirement from ArtW mum service. Mr; Pearsaii Creek valley, but now residing In the night, will be held from the home this lieutenant colonel, and raised Jnorning. I city, was visiting in Kansas City yes- A 9 of colored troops, (the 'a wenty-fif th infantry, afterwards the Ninety-ninth I-; Lieutenant Tanner at the went to 15c Henry Bente of High.

Prairie hauled No Sleep, No Rest, No Peace for the Sufferer From Kidney Troubles. Cincinnati, Ohio, last Light. lamry.j He commanded that neimcnt Puffed Rice, pkg. Toasted Corn Flakes, pkg. Yellow Corn Meal, 3 lb.

pkg. Price's Baking Povde per lb Mustard Sardines, 2 for Carnation. Cream Ralston Pancake Flour, 3 for French Peas, can Mushrooms, can Lipton's Tea, i-z lb. 'PHONES 188 TRY US. three loads of wheat to the city until March 6, 1S65, when he was Dromo-" The different railroad offices announce good colonists excursion, business.

The -colonist rate went Into effect Friday. Joseph Kern, who resides near the old Brighton coal mine, hauled wheat to the ted to colonel of the 4Sth Wisconsin in- fantry. (He was commissioned Jan. but being isolated In the campaign in Florida, did not receive his commission until March after he was wounded in the battle of Natural Bridge, Florida.) He commanded that regiment until their W. W.

Sullivan, traveling auditor of Missouri Pacific at Atchison, was Kelley Lysle elevator yesterday. Mrs. M'Cune, mother of Russell Mc- Cune, a Springdale farmer, is reported A. L. Fisher, traveling passenger agent nnai muster, out" December 30th, tf the Chicago Northwestern at Kansas JCity, had business here yesterday after tcu1b wnatanuy on duty from first to last except thirty days leave of absence in October, and six weeks in noon.

pltal by reason of wounds received at Charles Fitzgerald, traveling passenger to be. very, ill. at her home In the country. She is 77 years of age. Byron Holybee left yesterday for Kansas City where he has taken a position.

Harry Spring, a young farmer who Jives in Springdale, was here last light and attended the People's theatre. When askeid about the condition of the crops, he said: "Wheat and other produce have gent of the Louisville Nashville, passed through Leavenworth yesterdav. Guy Tingle left yesterday morning for tu i-o-uis, after a four days' stay iere wicn inenas. Danlete went to Topeka yesterdav. C.

C. Barnett left yesterday morning aiunu unage, Florida, March 6, 18G5. He served with his regiment in the army of the Potomac, in 1881, up to February, 1S62, when his regiment joihel General Butler's expedition against New Orleans, serving afterwards in the deportment of the gulf and participating In all the principal battles and campaigns of that department, Including the two Red river campaign and the siege of Port Hudson. He was General Bailey's assistant in building the famous Red river nam which saved the naval fleet under Admiral Porter, in May, 1864. He was recommended for brevet of colonel (Continued On Page Eight.) or oan rancisco and Los Angeles to No peace for the kidney sufferer Pain and distress from morn to night.

Get up with a lame back, Twinges of backache bother you all day, Dull aching breaks your rest at night, Urinary disorders add to your misery. Get at the cause cure the kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills will work the cure. They're for the kidneys only -Have made great cures, in Leavenworth. Mrs.

Elizabeth Biastock, of 227, Olive Leavenworth, says: "In a testimonial I gave for publication in 1899 I told how Doan's Kidney Pills cured my son of a severe case of bachache and derangement of the kidneys. Before he got Doan's Kidney Pills at E. C. Frit-sche's drug store he suffered so severely at times that he was unable to work, and at night could not lie in bed. The wonderful benefit he derived from the use of Doan's Kidney Pills which I described in that testimonial has been permanent.

He has had no bachache nor any kidney trouble since. The cure has been permanent. He has had no bachache nor any kidney trouble since. The core has remained a cure for six years, and we are certainly justified Bpena the rest of the winter. received about enough rain, mviny the ground too wet for plowing and country roads bad traveling.

The farmers have nothing to do now, but to stay about the farm and feed the stock." B. H. Davis lef Leavenworth yesterday for Shreveport, La. After a tremendous' success like The Clansman, many an author would have been content, to sit; with folded hands, and enjoy life, but there is no desire for rest In the make-up of Thomas Dixon, Jr. He is imbued with the beautiful discontent of When the Clansman was well on toward success this brilliant southern dramatist was preparing his new play, "The One Woman," founded on his novel of the same name.

This newest Dixon oomedy-drama will be presented at the Crawford Grand tonight. The play does not closely follow the novel. The characters all remain, but the minister in the book is a college professor In the play. Instead of being entirely located in New York city, the opening act is In San Francisco, and the other three acts are in Klondike. Mr.

Dixon has spent practically the entire summer in the selection of the cast, having Interviewed more than a thousand players before he was quite satisfied with the personnel of his company. "The One. is now en tour of the south under; the personal direction of theT author." company! is a large one and the production is The scenic equipment Is remarkable, having splendid reproductions ef the Alaska country. Returned Klondike' tourists pronounce the scenery perfect. The One is brim full of hu Wmpam ll I T-1 The fire department was called out at o'clock yesterday evening to Fifth avenue and Congress street to the Conservatory of Music.

An entertainment was feiven there last night and to prepare for o. xnoss went to t-nicago on a dusi- POSTliM ttCNILWOCTII INN ness mission yesterday. The funeral of the late Miss Veronica Taylor, who died Saturday morning, was jheld yesterday morning trom the Cathedral at 9 o'clock. Interment was In Mount Calvary cemetery. The attendance was exceedingly large.

James A. Chambers, the 1 11-month-old baby of J. W. Chambers of High Prairie, died yesterday from -The funeral will, be held from the family home in High Prairie afternoon at 1 o'clock. The interment will be in the Christian church cemetery at that place.

-t IDE COUSTON DAIRY COL Third cad fla Cflt more, Near N. C. 1a.V. a in place of Coffee does give relief from coffee ails. Tliere is no scenery in the world that will compare with the view from this pae 1 Located in the highest point in -Asheville.

Surrounded KagSfice SOU, hvery. hunting and fishing. Open all the year. White for booklet. CDOAR B.

MOORE, ProJ. man interest contains a love story that grips and holds from' the rise of the in again, recommending Doans Kidney Pills." For Sale by All Dealers. Price 50 cents, Foster-Milburn Buffalo, New York, Sole Agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. 9 "THERE'S A REASON." curiam to me end of the play.

Love vs. Socialism is the theme and It la an Cpen that love eventually J. R. Hansen and C. C.

Favors, inmates of the federal prison, are to be removed from there today, Hanson going.

The Leavenworth Times from Leavenworth, Kansas (2024)


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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.